Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Alan B. Densky, CH- Mature Singles Dating

Mature Singles Dating

Health  Healthcare Fear Of Cancer and Hypnotism

01st June 2010 The fear of cancer, also known as carcinophobia, is among the top ten most familiar phobias, and it’s easy to imagine why. Nobody wishes to have cancer or see someone they love develop the disease. Although it is normal to want to avoid getting ill, peopl… Read >


Self-Improvement How To Beat Necrophobia, The Irrational Fear Of Death

01st March 2010 Among the most common fears is necrophobia, the fear of dying. This serious fear affects many people and can develop regardless of a person’s health, age, or personal beliefs. It is a fear that may have far ranging consequences on a person’s life. Often, … Read >

Self-Improvement Hypnotism As A Treatment For Claustrophobia

01st March 2010 People with claustrophobia have fears involving small spaces or places where it could be difficult to exit quickly, for example, elevators, trains or airplanes. Some sufferers even get claustrophobic inside MRI scanning machines. Due to their anxiety, cla… Read >

Self-Improvement Anxiety And Stress – Natural Ways To Dissipate Them So You Can Relax

01st March 2010 More than ever before scientific surveys are attesting the essential role stress can play in causing and aggravating different physical and emotional disorders. In the June 6, 1983 issue of Time Magazine, the cover story described stress as “The Epidemic … Read >

Self-Improvement COPD: Treating Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Mature Singles Dating


01st March 2010 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is a chronic health problem that occurs as a result of damage to the lungs. This acronym is used to describe three lung problems classified as COPD. These include emphysema, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. … Read >

Self-Improvement NLP Can Help Overcome Postpartum And Perinatal Feelings Of Sadness

17th August 2008 All people experience moments of sadness. In most cases, these times persist for a few hours or days. Nearly one-fifth of the world’s population, however, are diagnosed with clinical depression, which causes depression that lasts for weeks, months, or lon… Read >

Health-and-Fitness How To Erase Feelings Of Worry

15th May 2008 Many people use the words “anxiety” and “stress” interchangeably, but they are actually two distinct conditions. Stress is a reaction to a stimulus, which can be external or internal. You may experience stress because you feel frustrated with something (l… Read >

Self-Improvement Sleep Like A Baby – How You Can Overcome Your Own Insomnia

09th April 2008 Sleep is important for a person’s body to function, mature, and heal after an injury. Most studies recommend that adults need from six to eight hours of sleep each night. Many people, however, find themselves unable to achieve this. Approximately 20 milli… Read >

Self-Improvement Hypnotic Mental Tricks To Develop Your Ability To Concentrate And Recall

06th February 2008 In our fast paced society, we are constantly learning new things and we need to have a better memory to remember it all. Students need a better memory for learning and doing well on examinations. People need a better memory to be successful in their jobs,… Read >

Self-Improvement How To Eliminate Social Phobias And Acquire Self Confidence

07th August 2007 Self confidence is a psychological and emotional state of mind that responds to our need for peer recognition and self-acceptance. It’s one among the oldest and most discussed ideas in psychology. It is used to describe a good but nonetheless proper perce… Read >

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